
Sunday, January 2, 2011

Reset Day 2

Day 2: The purpose of this exercise is twofold: To force
you to own up to exactly what's lacking right now in your life. To
give you encouragement to build on what's already great about it.
To complete this exercise, you will conduct an honest assessment of
the seven specific areas of your life:

Lifestyle (satisfaction with
where you live/living environment, how you spend your leisure time
these days)

Love: - the area I live in. - the spaciousness of my
apartment. - the convenience of where I live to the places I need/
want to go. - being able to come and go as I please.

Hate: - my
kitchen in my apartment is small and outdated. -that I don't have a
house built to my specifications when I see paint colors or art
that I'd like in my space.

Work (satisfaction with where you work
right now, what you do to earn your living)

Love: - i'm a
kindergarten teacher and I LOVE it!!!!

Hate: - the feeling of
having so much put on me and so many expectations put on "my
babies" that I sometimes feel I can't just teach and have fun and
they can't just learn and enjoy. - that the parish gets paid less
than the city.

Education (satisfaction with your educational
attainment to date - college, vocational school and other learning

Love: - i had my masters at 25, was pursuing my plus 30 at
25 too. - the internship and college experiences. - my vocabulary
is extensive/ broad

Hate: -that I'm 27 and havent finished that
plus 30 - that I can't decide whether to pursue a ph.d/ Ed.d or not
- that my diction is not better than it is

Finances (the current
state of your budget/money management, salary, net worth,
debt-to-income ratio) Lawd!

Love: -God provided me with a job that
allows me to pay all my bills on time. - that I'm learning to make
better financial decisions. - that I only try to keep up with
myself, no joneses, smiths, etc.

Hate: - living check to check due
to poor financial choices back when. - that I don't save as much as
I should. - that I struggle on a budget lol.

Health (the current
state of your mental, physical and spiritual health - mind, body,

Love: - I'm alive, living - that I'm getting physically fit.
- that I can do for myself - that I'm in a state of transition -
that I keep a gratitude journal - that I go to a gym that i love
Hate: - that I don't faithfully have scheduled time for just me and
God. - my belly seems to do its own thing - that I overanalyze
small things to the point of irritating myself - that my weight
appears to be stagnant - I hate that my eating habits are poor and
in turn causes me to only maintain my weight and not lose any

Family (the quality of your relationships with family
members, siblings, children)

Love: - that my family is my family -
that family can be more than blood family. - that my siblings and I
are all different.

Hate: - that I don't get to see extended family
often - that there are some family members ive never met - that my
relationship with my siblings is shaky with some of them.

Relationships (the quality of your relationships with friends and
romantic partners)

Love: - the friends I have - the quality of
friendships I am a part of -my limited network of friends- the freedom of being single

Hate: not
having a love interest when I want to just talk, just discuss
things, and share our stories.
- being nervous or anxious approaching a guy when I like them

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