I'm still wondering how I will bring in the new year. I'd said meditating and thanking God. So, we will see how it all turns out. I feel good today, just as I did yesterday.
Thinking about this year and all the ups, downs, accomplishments, failures even, I'm grateful. I lost my great gran this year but I'm blessed in that I knew her. That I was able to share love with her. I lost a few church family members as well and it's always hard for me. Losing loves.
I've been reading other blog entries tonight getting enthused, just taking in everyone's journey. I'm even surprised at myself for blogging. I normally stray from it. But it's relaxing and it makes me think and gather my thoughts more.
I am already doing things now that I plan to take into 2011 like working out, loving my chosen career, laughing more, smiling more, just enjoying more but I can always use more self work. I made goals in September actually that I am to complete by September of next year... it's a slow process but it's going. I've decided however that I want to venture into the pesce- pollotarian world of eating. I'm still researching it, still deciding. Not in a rush. I have some new challenges however that I will be undertaking however for either a month, two, six or the whole year. All of which begin January 1 or at some point in January.
You can check them out too:
Healthy Hair in 2011 Challenge:http://moptopmaven.blogspot.com/2010/12/healthy-hair-in-2011-challenege-session.html It's actually a six month challenge. Well the first session. I needed this simply to baby my tresses. I'm a natural hair rocking sistah lol whose all for healthy hair whether its natural, relaxed or in between. I'll do an update with pics about this real soon. This starts Jan1
Post a Week: http://en.blog.wordpress.com/2010/12/30/challenge-for-2011-want-to-blog-more-often/ A challenge via Word Press. It would be ambitious of me to do the Post a Day but it would also be a complete setup to fail because I know what I do. This is for all of 2011
Reset Your Life 2011: http://happyblackwoman.com/ Undertaking this with the intent to open doors within myself. Month of January.
Beginner Yoga: http://21daychallenge.yogajournal.com/ I've been fascinated with yoga for a while but haven't ever done anything but think about it and fantasize about it. I believe it's because of what I thought it represented. But you make yoga your own. I want to practice it for the centering benefits. For me time to meditate and talk to God while strengthening my temple. Starts January 10th.
Writing Project: Some time ago, like 2007 a friend of mine came to me with an idea about writing some poetry for stories she wrote and I haven't finished yet. Life intervenes. But, I'm taking January and February to get this done. I already have all the stories downloaded to my Ipad for my own personal convenience so I can get it done. I need definite deadlines with some things because in all honesty of self knowledge, I'm a procrastinator. Regardless of how much I work on it, I postpone the working on not procrastination with other things as well.
I'd been trying to think of a theme for 2011 and I finally have it. My Theme Song for 2011 is Beautiful Day by India Arie. Which its my song right now but it reminds me to just be in the moment. Stop regretting choices I've made and count that stuff joy. lol. My theme phrase/word: Dynamic. All that I do I want it to be dynamic. How I love, how I live, how I do, how I "be".
So, as it is my 2 week Christmas Break will be coming to an end on January 3rd but I must say it has been all that I intended it to be. I love that, I'm grateful for that and I'm thankful that I put the time to good use. My sanctuary got a complete, I'll say, overhaul with the declutter project but also me moving furniture around to change the energy of my place. It worked wonders. It's welcoming now to me and whoever else enters. And it feels like home.
I'll end with this. 2010 is ending, but that feeling that you have of freedom to accomplish all the dreams your stating for yourself next year shows that it's only the beginning.
Live. Love. Laugh.
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