I'm not even sure how I came across the subject of minimalism... not the art style, the lifestyle. But I liked the idea of only having things I use, cutting down my consumption and also getting rid of things that I don't use, wear, etc.
It could have also started with me re-reading the book "Better Than" by Leslie Esdaile. Which is about a woman doing an overhaul on herself before the new year and it inspires me into action whenever I read it. Whatever the case is, something struck a chord and got me moving.
So what did I do in the process of 4 days or 3 and 1/2 days: Change the furniture around in each room to change the flow of energy and it feels welcoming. I boxed clothes and shoes from my closets and dressers to be given away. I bagged teddy bears to be given away. Sorted through my paper books and kept only the ones that I know I'll read again because I've probably already read them twice or more. I have a bin of books that I'll either be giving away or selling( do i really want to bother with that?) I went through a bin of paper and had started the file of miscellaneous and important papers. I've tossed so much in the trash, so many things to be shredded.
What I learned in the process was that I was attached to many of those things for various reasons. Not wanting to get rid of a suit because it belonged to my grandmother. It wasn't even that I could fit the thing, because I couldn't and still can't. It's just the fact that it was hers. The paper trail, I couldn't even remember what was in where if that tells you anything. When, I began to go through the books, it was more the attachment of "it's a book, you don't get rid of a book". Craziness, I know. Keeping cards because someone sent it to me or gave it to me, some without a personalized message. But I'd packed these things up from my college apt and moved them to my real world apartment for no reason whatsoever.
I haven't finished completely due to holiday travel. But I'm on the move, so I plan to get it done. In the upcoming week I plan to do several things: finish that project, search for my year coming motto, start my at home yoga/meditation sessions, start a Healthy Hair in 2011 challenge with this Flyy Sistah here http://www.moptopmaven.blogspot.com/ ,read feeds, read period and just enjoy being.
So to all, Happy Holidays. Take Care and Be Safe.
Live. Love. Laugh.
[...] actually did this back in December of 2010 during my Christmas Break. I talked about it HERE and here. It was very cathartic. I felt sooooo good after I dropped off my boxes at Goodwill. I [...]