[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="259" caption="Best of 2010- lifehacker.com"]
Dear 2010,
This is what I loved about you:
Oddly as I start to write this the first question as me mentally stuttering. Trying to figure out what actually happened in 2010. That in itself makes me want to do better with my awareness. My memory at times is not the best. What personal growth milestones did you achieve in 2010? I lost some loved ones in 2010, but I'm thankful that I was able to be appreciative of the time, the love, the moments we had instead of going completely into depression as I have want to do. I decided to recommit to working out and getting my finances together. I began the ultimate restoration project on myself in late 2010, but such a good time to do it. I also learn to let some things go, let some people go and just go on with life. What professional accomplishments made you most proud in 2010? I completed LATAAP, which is a teacher certification program for Louisiana. So, I'm certified and highly qualified to teach! I survived (barely) my first summer of not working. It was really hard. I even contemplating moving for a spell. What were your favorite experiences with friends and/or romantic partners this year? - One of my closest friends and I found a new niche. We like taking out readers(me, my IPAD; her, her Pandigital) to McAlisters and surfing the web, reading books, and talking. It started something great. My friend Eshia and I started having sleepovers where we dance and pillow talk about life, men, spiritually and everything else under the sun, the moon and the rug. Angela and I went to see The Color Purple off Broadway play at the Civic Center and I just loved it. I was glowing before, during and after. That's my favorite movie! So, that was just an over the top enthuse your soul experience right there. As far as romantic partners 2010 taught me to go with the flow and no regrets. Because well, those are a waste of mind space anyway. lol. I'm still single but I loved that about 2010, because I began to see much about me and I appreciate it. What was your favorite family moment from 2010? Watching my nephews during my church convention week. They are tiny and so different. Also, just spending time with my immediate family more in 2010 was just good. Seeing my aunt Lynn in August was just grand for me. I love her to pieces. There are so many moments. Polishing nails with my little sister. Trading barbs (jokingly) with my mom. Holding hands with my granddaddy. Evading boyfriend questions from my dad. Seeing my brother's joy about living return. Knowing that my little brother is hooked on video games. Great things. What was the best book/album/movie/restaurant/city/country/etc you discovered in 2010? The best book for 2010 Wow!!! I read so much...ummm Recipe for Temptation by Maureen Smith. Best Re-Read: Better Than by Leslie Esdaile, Best Album: It's On Tonight by Brian Culbertson, Best Movie: Don't remember any that I saw so that couldn't have been that good. Best Play: Tyler Perry's Madea's Big Happy Family. I didn't travel as much as I did in 2009... But I fell in small love with Baton Rouge in 2010.
So in spite of some downs I had, with all this good I'm grateful. Ever thankful to you 2010.
Ms. J
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