
Thursday, January 13, 2011

Reset Day 13: 100 things that make me happy

1. Hugging my students in the morning 2. Air kissing my students in the evening

3. Reading essence magazine 4 reading a good book

5. Talking to my mama 6. Seeing my granddaddy

7. Hearing about the antics of my nephews 8. The smell of summer vanillas coconut on my skin

9. Hearing good news 10. Eating Hershey's chocolate

11 finding a handbag that speaks to me lol 12 reading better than by Leslie esdaile

13 reading blogs that provide brain food 14 flirting

15 laughing alone or with others 16 seeing big city lights

17 New York City  18 feeling the definition in my frame

19 photography 20. Hearing the Word

21. Going to church 22. Hearing good music

23 not feeling rushed 24 laying in the bed and reading

25. Smiling at inside jokes 26. Going commando sometimes

27. Teaching 28 learning

29. Growing 30. Getting my hands massaged

31. Getting my back scratched 32. Hearing peoples life journey

33. Sharing with others 34. Putting on Falsies mascara by maybelline

35. Going to the gym 36. manicures

37. Pedicures 38. Washing my hair

39. Love 40. Finding hair accessories

41. Sunsets 42. Sunrises

43. Riding in Malcolm (that's my Cadillac) 44. Having a clutter free apartment

45. Stimulating Conversation 46. Watching a good movie

47. Seeing/reading about people reaching a goal 48. Polishing my nails

49. bonuses 50. paying for things with cash

51. having good vibes 52 . getting things accomplished

53. my Ipad 54.  pineapples

55.  buying panties 56. big earrings

57. church convention 58.  nice hotel rooms

59. great mattresses 60. Whole Foods Store

61. live plays 62. Cabbage Greens

63. Soul music 64. my birthday

65. Big Holidays 66. snickers

67. skittles 68. No Sugar Added Apple Juice

69. Gospel music 70. good bras that lift "the girls"

71. my face 72. my shape

73. Cereal 74. Hugs

75. Sharing a smile 76. Curel lotion

77. Smelling good 78. Cookie Dough Ice Cream

79. dancing  80. long dresses that cover my feet

81. nail polish 82. bookstores

83. peach/pear pie 84. Raspberry sweet tea

85. reading my feeds 86. sweet potato pie

87. my hair 88. taking scenic pictures

89. going to new places 90. lavender chamomile vegetable soap

91. love stories 92. action movies

93. watching Transformers 1 94. trying something new and liking it

95. achieving yoga asanas 96. meditation

97. Singing 98. writing

99. Blogging 100. searching the net and finding great information

Took forever to finish, but it's done and I love it! This was definitely an accomplishment, harder than I thought it would be. Took longer than I thought it would.

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